
> ls ~/subpages/

Home/ GitRepo/

> ls ~/contacts_and_socialmedia/

Matrix/ Fediverse/

> cat ~/intro.md

Howdy~ I'm Cake. I'm a software developer, though i enjoy doing basically anything that is actually fun and mostly relates to computers.
Other stuff to let you know me better, mh, i'm 20, and i live in italy 🍕, yeah, that's it, this is supposed to be a short intro!

> cat ~/intropart2idk.md

If you are my friend you may already know, but I'm very much obsessed with open source crap, that's why this website is hosted on my git istance, and that's why i use linux, specifically, i'm using Arch with KDE, which is a really nice combo.

> cat ~/randomstuff/interests.md

My interests...well, i do enjoy a lot of things, my main ones focus on software, i like to learn new technologies, even if it takes me a while. And, as you might have noticed, dear reader, my wallpaper is from an anime, evangelion, and i really like evangelion and with like, i mean that it's one of my favorite pieces of media ever, the third impact just resonates with me so much, both in the anime ending, and the movie.

Other than that, i do enjoy coding, making websites, writing css, drawing, making pixel art, trying new technologies... i have quite a lot of interests, that i am not going to write here, for now.

> ls ~/important_stuff/important_people/